Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions Sport  Training

1. Membership:

1.1. Membership at Sport  Training is personal and non-transferable.

1.2. Membership can be requested at any time, subject to availability.

1.3. Membership is subject to payment of the membership fee as agreed.

1.4. The minimum age for membership is 18 years, unless otherwise agreed with Sport .

2. Use of the facilities:

2.1. The use of the gym facilities is only permitted during the opening hours of the physiotherapy practice.

2.2. The use of the facilities must take place under supervision and according to the instructions of the physiotherapist or other designated employees.

2.3. Members are responsible for the correct use of the equipment and compliance with the safety instructions.

2.4. It is not permitted to use the facilities under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other stimulants.

3. Liability:

3.1. The physiotherapy practice is not liable for any injury, loss or damage to personal property of members.

3.2. Members are advised to have their own health insurance to cover any injuries or medical expenses.

3.3. It is the responsibility of members to assess their own physical condition and health before using the facilities. If in doubt, it is recommended to consult a doctor beforehand.

4. Payments:

4.1. Payment of the membership fee must be made in accordance with the agreed payment terms.

4.2. If payment is not made on time, access to Sport  Training may be refused.

4.3. Any administration or collection costs resulting from payment arrears will be borne by the member.

5. Termination of membership:

5.1. Membership can be terminated by written notice to the physiotherapist, subject to a notice period of 1 month.

5.2. In the event of continued violation of the general terms and conditions or causing nuisance, the physiotherapist reserves the right to immediately terminate membership.

5.3 In the event of premature termination of membership, no refund of the membership fee is possible.

6. Privacy:

6.1. Personal information of members is treated confidentially and only used for administrative purposes and communication with members.

6.2. The physiotherapy practice takes appropriate measures to ensure the privacy and security of personal data, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

7. Changes and additions:

7.1. Sport  Training reserves the right to change or supplement these general terms and conditions. Members will be informed about this in a timely manner.

7.2. The gym reserves the right to change opening hours, facilities and rates. Such changes will be communicated in a timely manner.

7.3 If a group lesson or activity is canceled, an attempt will be made to offer a suitable alternative.

House rules for Sport  Training:

1. Membership and registration:

a. All members must register and have a valid membership to access the gym.


2. Respect and courtesy:

a. Treat all employees and fellow members with respect and kindness.

b. Do not use offensive, discriminatory or threatening language or behavior.


3. Hygiene:

a. Always wear suitable sportswear and clean sports shoes.

b. Use the available towels and disinfectants to clean equipment after use.


4. Equipment and facilities:

a. Use the equipment and facilities only for their intended purpose and follow the instructions.

b. Clean up your used weights and other equipment after use and place them back in their designated areas.

c. Limit the use of cardio equipment to a reasonable amount of time so that others have the opportunity to use it.


5. Safety:

a. Always follow the instructions of the trainers and employees.

b. Consider the safety of others while training and avoid reckless behavior.

c. Use spotter(s) when lifting heavy weights or during exercises where extra support is needed.

d. Report any unsafe conditions, broken equipment or injuries to staff immediately.


6. Personal belongings:

a. Sport  Training is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to personal belongings. Take care of your own belongings and keep them safe.

b. Do not leave valuables unattended in the locker room or other common areas.


7. Class schedules and reservations:

a. Consult the class schedule and make reservations in advance if necessary.

b. Arrive on time for scheduled classes and cancel in time if you cannot participate, so that other members have the opportunity to participate.


8. No nuisance:

a. Do not make excessive noise that may disturb other members.

b. Do not use telephones or other devices in a way that may interfere with other members.


9. Alcohol and Drugs:

a. Consuming alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited in the gym.


10. Compliance with the Rules:

a. Failure to comply with the house rules may lead to warnings, suspension or termination of membership.


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